If you have discovered or suspect that our company or any of its employees have violated our Code of Conduct, contracts, laws, regulations, etc., please use this Compliance Consultation Hotline to report it.
We will verify the facts of the reported matter and deal with it appropriately.
As a result of making a non-compliance report, our company will not cause any disadvantage to the informant or the company they work for.
However, the above does not apply if the report is made with the intention of slandering, such as intentionally providing false information.
- * The contents of the consultation or report will be sent to our General Affairs Department.
- * Even if the content concerns a specific person at our company, that person will not be made aware of it.
- * Our company prohibits any retaliation against those who make consultations or reports, or those who cooperate in investigating the case.
Please fill out the form below.* is mandatory.